Lillian Hurst

Lillian Hurst
Movie and TV Credits

Lillian Hurst was born on August 13, 1943 and is currently 80 years old.

About Lillian Hurst

Lillian Hurst (born August 13, 1943) is a Puerto Rican actress and comedian. She started her career in the 1960s, working as a comedian on TV, but then moved on to work on film, stage, and TV.

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Movie Credits

Lillian Hurst has appeared in 22 movies.

Some of Lillian Hurst's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Lillian Hurst has appeared in 9 TV Series.

These include The Comeback, Arrested Development, George Lopez, The King of Queens, Lost, The X-Files, JAG, Cold Case and ER.