Katy Breier

Katy Breier
Movie and TV Credits

Katy Breier was born on June 25, 1990 and is currently 34 years old.

About Katy Breier

Katy Lavery-Breier is an actress and writer, known for The Calling (2014) and FANatic (2017).

Movie Credits

Katy Breier has appeared in 8 movies.

These include Kiss the Cook, House of Deadly Lies, The First Day of My Life, FANatic, The Calling, Fingernails, The Death & Life of John F. Donovan and Moonfall.

TV Credits

Katy Breier has appeared in 3 TV Series.

These include The Strain, Titans and The Boys.

Production Credits

Katy Breier has 5 production credits.
