Judy Reyes

Judy Reyes
Movie and TV Credits

Judy Reyes was born on November 5, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.

About Judy Reyes

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Judy Reyes (born November 5, 1967 in the Bronx, New York) is an American actress of Dominican heritage. She is best known for her portrayal of nurse Carla Espinosa on the TV comedy Scrubs.

Movie Credits

Judy Reyes has appeared in 28 movies.

Some of Judy Reyes's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Judy Reyes has appeared in 29 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Judy Reyes has 2 production credits.


Credited for Director in 1 show - The Passion.


Credited for Producer in 1 show - Glow Ropes: The Rise and Fall of a Bar Mitzvah Emcee.