Jonathan Lipnicki

Jonathan Lipnicki
Movie and TV Credits

Jonathan Lipnicki was born on October 22, 1990 and is currently 33 years old.

About Jonathan Lipnicki

Jonathan Lipnicki (born October 22, 1990) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles in Jerry Maguire and Stuart Little.

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Movie Credits

Jonathan Lipnicki has appeared in 30 movies.

Some of Jonathan Lipnicki's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Jonathan Lipnicki has appeared in 12 TV Series.

These include Meego, The Jeff Foxworthy Show, Jamie Kennedy's Blowin' Up, Dawson's Creek, The Single Guy, Christy's Kitchen Throwback, Drop the Mic, Monk, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, Fleishman Is in Trouble, Family Guy and The Resident.

Production Credits

Jonathan Lipnicki has 1 production credit.


Credited for Associate Producer in 1 show - Init!ation.