Jillian Clare

Jillian Clare
Movie and TV Credits

Jillian Clare was born on July 25, 1992 and is currently 31 years old.

Movie Credits

Jillian Clare has appeared in 11 movies.

These include Pretty Broken, Vinyl Child, Roasted, Alien Abduction, Graduation Night, By God's Grace, Quigley, Fame Dogs, The Kitchen, To the Beat! Back 2 School and Spider-Man.

TV Credits

Jillian Clare has appeared in 5 TV Series.

These include Days of Our Lives, Miss Behave, Acting Dead, The Winner and Castle.

Production Credits

Jillian Clare has 4 production credits.


Credited for Creator in 1 show - To the Beat! Back 2 School.


Credited for Director in 2 shows - To the Beat! and To the Beat! Back 2 School.


Credited for Producer in 1 show - Roasted.