Jessica Sonneborn

Jessica Sonneborn
Movie and TV Credits

Jessica Sonneborn was born on August 9, 1978 and is currently 45 years old.

Movie Credits

Jessica Sonneborn has appeared in 26 movies.

Some of Jessica Sonneborn's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Jessica Sonneborn has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Hello Ladies.

Production Credits

Jessica Sonneborn has 10 production credits.


Credited for Stunts in 1 show - Spring Breakdown.


Credited for Director in 1 show - The Haunting of Alice D.


Credited for Co-Producer in 2 shows - Lair of the Beast and Ambush.
Credited for Producer in 2 shows - A Lure: Teen Fight Club and Money Shot.
Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - American Girls.


Credited for Writer in 3 shows - A Lure: Teen Fight Club, Money Shot and The Haunting of Alice D.