Ilona Chevakova

Ilona Chevakova
Movie and TV Credits

Ilona Chevakova was born on July 16, 1986 and is currently 37 years old.

About Ilona Chevakova

Ilona Chevakova (born July 16, 1986 in Leningrad, Soviet Union) is a Finnish-Russian actress. She is best known for portraying Sabrina Mustavaara in Finnish soap drama series Secret Lives.

Movie Credits

Ilona Chevakova has appeared in 10 movies.

These include The Prophet's Game, The Redeemers, Reunion 3: Singles Cruise, MC-Helper 3, Insanity, Free Skate, MC-Helper BeKINGs, Ladies of Steel, The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die and One Half of Me.

TV Credits

Ilona Chevakova has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Modernit miehet.