Harry Humphries

Harry Humphries
Movie and TV Credits

Harry Humphries was born on November 17, 1940 and is currently 83 years old.

About Harry Humphries

Harry R. Humphries is a former United States Navy SEAL, who is a producer, military consultant and actor.

After graduating from Admiral Farragut Academy and attending Rutgers University in New Jersey, he joined the Navy in 1958. Soon after joining, he completed UDTR (Underwater Demolition Team Replacement) Class 29 and graduated as Honor man. He was assigned to UDT 22. After working with UDT 22 for some time in 1965 to 1967, he volunteered for and was accepted into SEAL Team Two. In 1971, he left the Navy with an Honorable Discharge.

After a career with Henkel KGaA, the German Multi National Chemical Company, he moved to California, where he started Global Study Group, Inc. ("GSGI"). He works full-time as a Security Consultant and Entertainment Technical Adviser/Actor/Producer.

Movie Credits

Harry Humphries has appeared in 2 movies.

These include G.I. Jane and The Rock.

TV Credits

Harry Humphries has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Production Credits

Harry Humphries has 11 production credits.



Credited for Military Consultant in 1 show - Iron Man.
Credited for Technical Advisor in 5 shows - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, G.I. Jane, Black Hawk Down, Tears of the Sun and The Island.