Gerardo Naranjo

Gerardo Naranjo
Movie and TV Credits

Gerardo Naranjo was born on April 6, 1971 and is currently 53 years old.

About Gerardo Naranjo

Obtained his masters degree in directing at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles. In 2006 he premiered his first feature film, Drama/Mex, at Cannes's Semaine de la Critique, as was Naranjo's second film of 2008, I’m Gonna Explode. In 2011, he directed the critically acclaimed Miss Bala (2011).

Movie Credits

Gerardo Naranjo has appeared in 3 movies.

These include This Is Not a Comedy, The GoodTimesKid and Malachance.

Production Credits

Gerardo Naranjo has 29 production credits.


Credited for Director of Photography in 1 show - Kokoloko.


Credited for Cinematography in 1 show - The GoodTimesKid.



Credited for Editor in 2 shows - Miss Bala and Kokoloko.


Credited for Producer in 3 shows - Malachance, Sexennial Plan and Kokoloko.
Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Miss Bala.


Credited for Screenplay in 2 shows - The GoodTimesKid and Miss Bala.
Credited for Characters in 1 show - Miss Bala.