Fred Roos

Fred Roos
Movie and TV Credits

Fred Roos was born on May 22, 1934 and is currently 90 years old.

Movie Credits

Fred Roos has appeared in 5 movies.

These include BBStory: An American Film Renaissance, Drive, He Said: A Cautionary Tale of Campus Revolution and Sexual Freedom, The Making of 'American Graffiti', Casting By and Fog City Mavericks.

TV Credits

Fred Roos has appeared in 2 TV Series.

These include Kingpin and Intimate Portrait.

Production Credits

Fred Roos has 74 production credits.


Credited for Casting Director in 1 show - The Andy Griffith Show.
Credited for Executive In Charge Of Production in 1 show - One Magic Christmas.
Credited for Associate Producer in 2 shows - Drive, He Said and One Magic Christmas.


Credited for Story in 1 show - Flight to Fury.