Felipe Rodriguez

Felipe Rodriguez
Movie and TV Credits

About Felipe Rodriguez

Felipe Rodriguez is a Canadian film director and writer of Spanish descent who also works as a (key and dolly) grip, camera operator, and cinematographer for film and television productions.

Movie Credits

Felipe Rodriguez has appeared in 1 movie.

These include Kick Me.

Production Credits

Felipe Rodriguez has 13 production credits.


Credited for Dolly Grip in 3 shows - The Day, Red Lights and Happily Ever After.
Credited for Key Grip in 2 shows - Boxed In and The Day.


Credited for Director in 5 shows - Slasher, Kidnap Capital, The Good Doctor, Hudson & Rex and Virgin River.


Credited for Co-Producer in 1 show - Darker than Night.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Kidnap Capital.
Credited for Writer in 1 show - Kidnap Capital.