Ethan Eng
Movie and TV Credits

Ethan Eng was born on January 2, 2001 and is currently 23 years old.

About Ethan Eng

Ethan Eng is a Canadian filmmaker and actor, known for Therapy Dogs (2022) and BlackBerry (2023)

Movie Credits

Ethan Eng has appeared in 3 movies.

These include Jeff, Therapy Dogs and BlackBerry.

Production Credits

Ethan Eng has 6 production credits.


Credited for Production Assistant in 1 show - Jeff.
Credited for Producer in 1 show - Therapy Dogs.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Therapy Dogs.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Therapy Dogs.


Credited for Editor in 1 show - Therapy Dogs.


Credited for Cinematography in 1 show - Therapy Dogs.