Claudia Gerini

Claudia Gerini
Movie and TV Credits

Claudia Gerini was born on December 18, 1971 and is currently 52 years old.

About Claudia Gerini

Claudia Gerini (born 18 December 1971 in Rome) is an Italian actress and showgirl.

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Movie Credits

Claudia Gerini has appeared in 76 movies.

Some of Claudia Gerini's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Claudia Gerini has appeared in 8 TV Series.

These include Futurama, The Affair, To Catch a Killer, Suburra: Blood on Rome, NY-LON, Sanremo Music Festival, Chi ha incastrato Peter Pan? and Drag Race Italia.

Production Credits

Claudia Gerini has 3 production credits.


Credited for Writer in 1 show - Tapirulàn.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Tapirulàn.


Credited for Producer in 1 show - Tapirulàn.