Clara Rugaard

Clara Rugaard
Movie and TV Credits

Clara Rugaard was born on December 5, 1997 and is currently 26 years old.

About Clara Rugaard

Clara Rugaard (born 5 December 1997) is a Danish actress and singer. She portrayed Ana in The Lodge. She appeared in My African Adventure (2013), Still Star-Crossed (2017), I Am Mother (2019) and Teen Spirit (2018). Has sung Danish songs for the TV series Violetta on Disney Channel and also appeared in the musical Annie.

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Movie Credits

Clara Rugaard has appeared in 8 movies.

These include I Am Mother, Press Play, Love Gets a Room, Good Favour, Mary's Monster, Verona, Teen Spirit and My Sister's Kids in Africa.

TV Credits

Clara Rugaard has appeared in 3 TV Series.

These include The Rising, Still Star-Crossed and Black Mirror.

Production Credits

Clara Rugaard has 1 production credit.


Credited for Associate Producer in 1 show - Love Gets a Room.