Cheryl Dunye

Cheryl Dunye
Movie and TV Credits

Cheryl Dunye was born on May 13, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.

About Cheryl Dunye

Cheryl Dunye (born May 13, 1966) is a film director, producer, screenwriter, editor and actress. Dunye is a lesbian and her work often concerns themes of race, sexuality, and gender, particularly issues relating to black lesbians.

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Movie Credits

Cheryl Dunye has appeared in 17 movies.

Some of Cheryl Dunye's most popular movies include:

Production Credits

Cheryl Dunye has 46 production credits.



Credited for Cinematography in 1 show - Vanilla Sex.


Credited for Editor in 4 shows - Janine, She Don't Fade, Vanilla Sex and The Watermelon Woman.


Credited for Producer in 4 shows - Janine, Greetings from Africa, The Owls and Mommy Is Coming.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - She Don't Fade.