Charlene Choi

Charlene Choi
Movie and TV Credits

Charlene Choi was born on November 22, 1982 and is currently 41 years old.

About Charlene Choi

Born in Canada, Charlene Choi is a Chinese film and television actress and singer. She is a member of the Cantopop group Twins, along with Gillian Chung.

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Movie Credits

Charlene Choi has appeared in 10 movies.

These include Kung Fu Dunk, The Twins Effect, The Midas Touch, Simply Actors, New Police Story, Goldfinger, House of Fury, Bring Happiness Home, With Friends Like These... and Love Under the Sun.

TV Credits

Charlene Choi has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include Promise For You, 容祖儿 PRETTY CRAZY 演唱会 嘉宾篇, Sisters Who Make Waves and Trump Card.