Arielle Dombasle

Arielle Dombasle
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Arielle Dombasle has appeared in 20 movies.

Some of Arielle Dombasle's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Arielle Dombasle has appeared in 12 TV Series.

These include Lace II, Around the World in 80 Days, The French Atlantic Affair, Red Shoe Diaries, Love In…, Star Academy, Victoires de la musique, Stars 90, Miami Vice, Salut les Terriens !, Champs-Elysées and Vivement dimanche.

Production Credits

Arielle Dombasle has 4 production credits.


Credited for Director in 2 shows - La Traversée du désir and Opium.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Opium.
Credited for Scenario Writer in 1 show - Opium.