Alexis Rodney

Alexis Rodney
Movie and TV Credits

About Alexis Rodney

Alexis Rodney is a stage, film and television actor and producer.

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Movie Credits

Alexis Rodney has appeared in 12 movies.

These include Touch, Halo: Nightfall, Top Girl, Life and Lyrics, Censor of Dreams, Hostage Radio, Pentagram, The Lie of You, The Crucifixion, Buffalo Soldiers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Kick-Ass 2.

TV Credits

Alexis Rodney has appeared in 8 TV Series.

These include 紅い牙 ブルー・ソネット, Lilies, The Carol Burnett Show, Halo: Nightfall, Street Fighter: Resurrection, The Gentlemen, Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler and Outlander.