Cast and Crew of Out of the Village

Cast of
Out of the Village

About Out of the Village

  • Released on March 12, 2016

A brother and his sister seek closure after Ebola ravages their West African village.

Full Cast of Out of the Village

Kobina Amissah-Sam
plays Dr. Kofi

Abraham Attah
plays Mebro

Abraham Attah as Mebro

Abraham Attah was born on July 2, 2001 and is currently 22 years old.

See Abraham Attah's other roles

Hannah Attah
plays Vabiam

Offei Ike Awuah
plays Police Officer

Alaska Azameti
plays Cigarette Man

plays Soldier 1

Asiama Godfred
plays Soldier 2

Rebecca Odei-Kumi
plays Nurse

Abena Takyi
plays Mother

Crew of Out of the Village

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