Cast of
Other Halves

About Other Halves

  • Released on October 01, 1984
  • Drama

A Polynesian street-kid and a much older middle-class housewife are both incarcerated in the same mental hospital - she for attempted suicide and he for habitual crime. A friendship grows between them such that she offers him a place to stay upon his release. However, difficulties arise with his continued criminal activities and dependence on her for support - then his gang moves in with them. The film is based upon Sue McCauley's award winning autobiographical novel.

Full Cast of Other Halves

Lisa Harrow
plays Liz

Mark Pilisi
plays Tug

Paul Gittins
plays Ken

Clare Clifford
plays Aileen

Bruce Purchase
plays Irwin

Emma Piper
plays Audrey

Temuera Morrison
plays Tony

Temuera Morrison as Tony

Temuera Derek Morrison (born December 26, 1960) is a New Zealand actor. He has become one of the country's most famou...

See Temuera Morrison's other roles

Fraser Stephen-Smith
plays Michael

Alison Routledge
plays Paula

Nathaniel Lees
plays Court clerk

David Weatherley
plays Judge

David Weatherley as Judge

David Weatherley was born on March 1, 1939 and is currently 85 years old.

See David Weatherley's other roles

Stephen Tozer
plays Lawyer

Yvonne Lawley
plays Alice

John Bach
plays Jim

John Bach as Jim

John Bach was born on June 5, 1946 and is currently 78 years old.

See John Bach's other roles

Grant Tilly
plays Dr. Wray

Raymond Reid
plays Billy

Allan Sio
plays Max

Olaf Ulberg
plays Bones

Roy Billing
plays Harry Daniels

Judy McIntosh
plays Nurse

Crew of Other Halves

Discover the backstage crew of Other Halves →