Cast and Crew of Off the Range

Cast of
Off the Range

About Off the Range

A comedy about a group of children who are spending summer vacation alone in the nature.

Full Cast of Off the Range

Károly Kovács
plays Gazsi bácsi

Károly Kovács as Gazsi bácsi

Károly Kovács was born on January 19, 1902 and passed away 33 years ago at the age of 88 on December 10, 1990.

See Károly Kovács's other roles

Flórián Kaló
plays Kenderice Ákos

Flórián Kaló as Kenderice Ákos

Flórián Kaló was born on June 15, 1932 and passed away 18 years ago at the age of 73 on February 28, 2006.

See Flórián Kaló's other roles

Zsuzsa Csala
plays Bádogos mama