In 2014, aliens revealed themselves to request trade with humanity. In exchange for limestone, they would provide a consciousness-controlled general-use robot known as an "Exoframe." Cheaper than an aircraft, tank, or firearm, and easy enough for anyone to operate, the "Exoframe" spreads change throughout the world in the blink of an eye...
Hideaki Tezuka is a Japanese actor and voice actor from Tochigi Prefecture. He is affiliated with Seinenza Theater Company.
Toshiyuki Morikawa is a Japanese voice actor. He was formerly affiliated with Arts Vision until he co-founded his own...
Aoi Yuki (悠木 碧, Yūki Aoi, born March 27, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress (seiyuu), actress and singer from Sanmu Ci...
Chiwa Saito (斎藤 千和, Saitō Chiwa) is a Japanese voice actress employed by I'm Enterprise. Saitō is one half of the voi...
Wataru Takagi (高木 渉) is a Japanese voice and stage actor.
Ryuuzaburou Ootomo was born on May 18, 1952 and is currently 72 years old.
Masahiko Tanaka (田中 正彦) is a Japanese actor and voice actor. He is known for voicing Gauron from Full Metal Panic!, R...