'Noah's Ark' is a delightful and musical animated film that follows the adventures of two charming mice, Vini and Tito, as they try to board the legendary ark. Vini is a charismatic and poetic mouse who suffers from terrible stage fright, while Tito is a talented and charming guitarist. Together, they form a dynamic duo, using their musical talents to bring joy and harmony to those around them.
As the rains begin to fall and the floodwaters rise, Noah's Ark becomes the only refuge for a pair of every animal species. In order to conserve space and ensure the survival of as many species as possible, only one male and one female of each species are allowed on board. This leads to tension and conflict between the carnivores and plant-eaters on the ark, as they vie for limited resources and territory.
In the midst of this turmoil, Vini and Tito manage to sneak their way onto the ark, thanks to the help of a clever cockroach and a bit of luck. Once on board, they set out to use their musical talents to break the tension and bring the animals together. Inspired by the world-renowned poet, Vinicius de Moraes, they perform a series of classic songs that uplift and inspire their fellow passengers. But with 40 days and 40 nights of close quarters ahead, can these talented stowaways truly help these cooped up creatures survive the journey and learn to live in harmony?
This heartwarming and entertaining film is a must-see for animal lovers and music fans of all ages. With its charming characters, beautiful animation, and memorable soundtrack, 'Noah's Ark' is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers. So sit back, relax, and let the music of Vini and Tito transport you to a world of adventure, excitement, and friendship on the high seas.
Rodrigo Junqueira dos Reis Santoro is a Brazilian actor. He has appeared in many successful movies, including Brainst...
See Rodrigo Santoro's other roles →Alice Braga Moraes (born 15 April 1983) is a Brazilian actress and producer. She has appeared in several Brazilian fi...
See Alice Braga's other roles →Keith Silverstein (born December 24, 1970) is an American voice actor. Most of his voice over career has been for an...
See Keith Silverstein's other roles →Ian James Corlett (born August 29, 1962) is a Canadian animation voice artist, writer, and musician. He is the creato...
See Ian James Corlett's other roles →Debra Wilson is an American actress, voice actress, comedian, and television presenter. She is known for being the lo...
See Debra Wilson's other roles →Rachel Butera was born on January 28, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
See Rachel Butera's other roles →