Titled "No Gain No Love", this captivating romantic comedy revolves around the lives of two distinct yet intriguing characters: Son Hae-young, brilliantly portrayed by Shin Min-a, and Kim Ji-wook, brought to life by the charming Kim Young-dae. The narrative offers a unique blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and unexpected twists that will keep viewers engaged and entertained throughout.
Son Hae-young, the protagonist of the story, is a driven and ambitious woman who is determined to climb the corporate ladder. As a major promotion looms on the horizon, she becomes increasingly aware of the societal expectations and pressures placed on singles in the workplace. In an ingenious attempt to bypass these obstacles, she devises a plan to enter a fake marriage with her neighbor, Kim Ji-wook, who humbly works at a local convenience store. This seemingly simple solution, however, soon unravels a web of complications and unexpected feelings that could potentially derail Hae-young's carefully orchestrated professional aspirations.
Kim Ji-wook, the unsuspecting convenience store employee, finds himself swept into this whirlwind of deception and emotion. Initially reluctant to be part of such a scheme, Ji-wook eventually agrees to help out his neighbor, driven by a sense of compassion and camaraderie. As the fake marriage takes shape, both Hae-young and Ji-wook find themselves grappling with genuine feelings, self-discovery, and the undeniable chemistry that sparks between them. "No Gain No Love" promises a delightful journey filled with laughter, poignant moments, and a heartwarming exploration of love, friendship, and the lengths we'll go to for the ones we care about.
Choi Jin-ho was born on May 26, 1968 and is currently 56 years old.
See Choi Jin-ho's other roles →Byeon Woo Seok is a South Korean actor and model. He first made his debut as a model in 2015, and debuted as an actor...
See Byeon Woo-seok's other roles →