Allegedly based on a true story, this film follows the life of Toshi, a Japanese man living in America and working with the New York City police. After being recommended for undercover work, Toshi decides to go after a gang lead by Hawk. Hawk and Toshi soon become friends, although Hawk's second-in-command, Tito, is suspicious of the newcomer. Will Toshi be able to bring the gang down, or will his cover be blown before he can finish the assignment?
Mira Katherine Sorvino (born on September 28, 1967) is an American actress. Her father is veteran actor Paul Sorvino ...
Gennaro Anthony "Tony" Sirico, Jr. (July 29, 1942–July 8, 2022) was an American character actor most famous for his r...
Manuel "Manny" Pérez Batista (born May 5, 1969) is a Dominican actor, who has appeared in the television series Third...
Jonathan Seda is an American actor of Puerto Rican descent, best known for his role as Detective Antonio Dawson in NB...
Manny Siverio is a New York based Latino Stunt Coordinator, Stuntman, 2nd Unit Director, Actor & Writer who has been ...