Cast of
New Gilgames

About New Gilgames

  • Released on March 02, 1963
  • Drama

The story recalling the spirit of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian king quarrelling with his approaching death, takes place in a cancer hospital in Budapest. Dávid, the young ethnography scientist resigned to his lot and is indifferent to his approaching death. His specialist reckons, however, that such a searching and stubborn mind with thorough knowledge of the nature of his own illness, will be able to fight death.

Full Cast of New Gilgames

Sándor Pécsi
plays doktor Aradi

Sándor Pécsi as doktor Aradi

Sándor Pécsi was born on March 18, 1922 and passed away 51 years ago at the age of 50 on November 4, 1972.

See Sándor Pécsi's other roles

Zoltán Basilides

Zoltán Basilides

Zoltán Basilides was born on March 26, 1918 and passed away 35 years ago at the age of 70 on September 29, 1988.

See Zoltán Basilides's other roles

István Prókai

György Györffy