Cast and Crew of Never Me

Cast of
Never Me

About Never Me

  • Released on July 13, 2024
  • Drama

“Never Me” is a student film about Serafina, a 16-year-old girl who endures the tribulations of attempting to receive an abortion in her home state of Texas after the overturn of Roe v. Wade. The story explores the importance of friendship and family as they journey through love and loss. Serafina treks a narrow path, but in the end became closer to those who matter most and gained a newfound respect for adulthood.

Full Cast of Never Me

Lindsay Magid
plays Serafina

Erica Mae McNeal
plays Ava

Lauren Selman
plays Mom

Debra Manning
plays Grandma

Sean Robert Smith
plays Dad

Charles Rahi Chun
plays Doctor

Dan Hwang
plays Receptionist

Crew of Never Me

Discover the backstage crew of Never Me →