Cast and Crew of Navillera

Cast of

About Navillera

  • Released on March 22, 2021
  • Drama

A 70-year-old with a dream and a 23-year-old with a gift lift each other out of harsh realities and rise to the challenge of becoming ballerinos.

Full Cast of Navillera

Kim Tae-hun
plays Ki Seung-joo

Kim Tae-hun as Ki Seung-joo

Kim Tae-hun is a South Korean actor. Kim graduated from Hanyang University, then began his acting career with the Han...

See Kim Tae-hun's other roles

Kim Soo-jin
plays Sim Seong-suk

Kim Soo-jin as Sim Seong-suk

Kim Soo-jin (김수진) is a South Korean actress.

See Kim Soo-jin's other roles