Cast of

About Narx

  • Released on January 01, 2011
  • Action

Based on a shocking true story. An undercover cop puts his life on the line to fight corruption in his department, while trying to take down the biggest Drug Kingpin of New York City. No one can be trusted as the body count rises.

Full Cast of Narx

Chris Mulkey
plays Sergeant Rhodes

Chris Mulkey as Sergeant Rhodes

​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chris Mulkey (born 3 May 1948) is an American actor who most recently appeare...

See Chris Mulkey's other roles

Fat Joe
plays Big Ed

Fat Joe as Big Ed

Joseph Antonio Cartagena who goes by his stage name Fat Joe is an American rapper.

See Fat Joe's other roles

Jason Rodriguez
plays Roachie

Crew of Narx

Discover the backstage crew of Narx →