Napoleon and Love was a 1974 British television series originally aired on ITV and lasting for 9 episodes from 5 March to 30 April 1974. The series starred Ian Holm in the title role as Napoleon I and depicts his relationships with the women who featured in his life as a backdrop to his rise and fall.
Sir Ian Holm Cuthbert CBE (12 September 1931 – 19 June 2020) was an English actor. After beginning his career on the ...
See Ian Holm's other roles →David Troughton was born on June 9, 1950 and is currently 74 years old.
See David Troughton's other roles →Timothy James Curry (born 19 April 1946) is an English actor and singer. He is known for working in a diverse range o...
See Tim Curry's other roles →