Cast and Crew of My Name is Farah

Cast of
My Name is Farah

About My Name is Farah

In the gripping drama 'My Name is Farah', a young woman named Farah finds herself an unwitting witness to a murder, an event that will irrevocably alter the course of her life. Fearing for her safety and that of her young son, Farah is forced to abandon her home country and embark on a perilous journey to find refuge in a foreign land. Along the way, she encounters Tahir Lekesiz, a fellow traveler who is also seeking a better life. The two strangers quickly form a bond as they navigate the treacherous terrain of illegal immigration, each relying on the other for survival.

As Farah and Tahir struggle to make a new life for themselves, they are constantly reminded of the danger that lurks around every corner. Farah's past threatens to catch up with her, as the murderer she witnessed seeks to silence her forever. Meanwhile, Tahir grapples with his own demons, haunted by the memories of the life he left behind. Despite the odds stacked against them, Farah and Tahir find solace in each other's company, their shared experiences drawing them closer together.

In a climactic turn of events, Farah and Tahir's lives are once again thrown into turmoil when they are confronted by the murderer who has been pursuing Farah. As they fight for their lives, they are forced to confront the harsh realities of their situation and the sacrifices they have had to make in order to survive. In the end, 'My Name is Farah' is a powerful exploration of the human spirit, a testament to the resilience of the human heart in the face of adversity. Through Farah and Tahir's journey, we are reminded of the lengths to which we will go to protect those we love and the strength that can be found in even the most unlikely of friendships.

Full Cast of My Name is Farah

Derya Pınar Ak
plays Gönül Kosaner

Derya Pınar Ak as Gönül Kosaner

Derya Pınar Ak is known for Hükümsüz (2021), My Name Is Farah (2023) and Snow and the Bear (2022).

See Derya Pınar Ak's other roles