In this four-part documentary series, leading Hollywood actors undertake a fascinating journey into their family's past by re-tracing the footsteps of their grandparents during World War Two. We follow the moving, personal stories of Helena Bonham Carter, Mark Rylance, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Carey Mulligan as they travel to historic locations, from the beaches of Dunkirk to prisoner of war camps in Asia, to learn about the war their grandparents experienced. All of the actors have unanswered questions about the scars war left on their grandparents, and in each episode one of the actors explore how six years changed the lives of their family and the world forever while learning about the life and death decisions that their grandparents faced.
Christopher Catesby "Kit" Harington (born 26 December 1986) is an English actor. He is known for his role as Jon Snow...
Keira Christina Knightley (born 26 March 1985) is an English actress. She has starred in both independent films and b...
Tobias Edward Heslewood Jones OBE (born 7 September 1966) is an English actor. Jones made his film debut in Sally Po...
Carey Hannah Mulligan (born 28 May 1985) is an English actress. She has received numerous accolades, including a Brit...
Helena Bonham Carter CBE (born 26 May 1966) is an English actress. Known for her roles in independent films and block...