Cast and Crew of MXC

Cast of

About MXC

  • Released on April 13, 2003
  • Comedy

Footage from the popular game show, Takeshi's Castle has been re-edited, re-written and re-voiced into a hilarious, intentionally over-produced, modern "action/X-treme" sports show.

Full Cast of MXC

Mary Scheer

Mary Scheer

Mary Scheer is an actress and writer.

See Mary Scheer's other roles

Takeshi Kitano

John Cervenka

Sonemanma Higashi

Christopher Darga

Christopher Darga

Christopher Darga is an actor and producer.

See Christopher Darga's other roles

Victor Wilson

Tutte Lemkow

Tutte Lemkow

Tutte Lemkow was born on August 28, 1918 in Oslo, Norway. He is known for his work on Les aventuriers de l'arche perd...

See Tutte Lemkow's other roles