Cast and Crew of Mr. Young

Mr. Young

Mr. Young is a Canadian comedy series that premiered on March 1, 2011 on YTV. The series is shot in front of a live audience in Burnaby, British Columbia. The series was created by Dan Signer, and stars Brendan Meyer, Matreya Fedor and Gig Morton as attendants of Finnegan High School. Further main cast includes Kurt Ostlund, Emily Tennant, and Milo Shandel.

Full Cast of Mr. Young

Emily Tennant

Emily Tennant

Emily Tennant is a Canadian actress, best known for her roles as Ivy Young in Mr. Young, and as Sarah in Triple Dog. ...

Anna Galvin

Anna Galvin

Anna Galvin is an actress.

Spencer Drever as Young Adam

Spencer Drever

as Young Adam

Spencer's acting career started in the first grade when, at the suggestion of his teacher, he started to go out for a...

Matreya Fedor as Echo

Matreya Fedor

as Echo

Matreya Natasha Fedor is a Canadian actress, known for her role as Echo Zizzleswift in Mr. Young, and for her recurri...

Travis Turner as Raccoon (voice)

Travis Turner

as Raccoon (voice)

Travis Turner was born on May 9, 1987 and is currently 37 years old.

Paula Shaw

Paula Shaw

Paula Shaw is an American actress. A life member of The Actors Studio, Shaw has portrayed characters in numerous film...

Gig Morton as Derby

Gig Morton

as Derby

Gig Morton (born March 22, 1996) is a Canadian actor and podcast host. Beginning a professional career as a child act...

Jacob Tremblay

Jacob Tremblay

Jacob Tremblay (born October 5, 2006) is a Canadian actor. He is the recipient of various accolades, including a Cana...

Nathan Kress as Pete

Nathan Kress

as Pete

Nathan Kress (born November 18, 1992) is an American actor, director, and former child model. He is known around the ...

Raugi Yu

Raugi Yu

In the late 1990s, Yu began appearing on television. In 1998 he appeared in one episode of The Sentinel. In 2001, he ...

Seth Isaac Johnson as Burlap Sack E.T.

Seth Isaac Johnson

as Burlap Sack E.T.

Seth Isaac Johnson is a Film, Television and Voice actor. He is best known for his dramatic series regular role as De...

Crew of Mr. Young

Discover the backstage crew of Mr. Young →