Mountain Men is a comedy/drama that follows two estranged brothers, Toph and Cooper, as they journey to a remote family cabin in the mountains to evict a squatter. Buried resentment and bruised egos soon derail the plan and when the smoke clears they've destroyed their car and burned down the cabin, leaving them stranded in the cold Rocky Mountain winter. With their very survival at stake, they must learn to work together as brothers to get back to civilization.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Christine Willes is a Canadian television, theatre and film actress who is be...
Christopher Chace Crawford (born July 18, 1985) is an American actor. He is known for his television portrayals of Na...
Ben Cotton (born July 26, 1975) is a Canadian film and television actor. His most notable roles are on the TV series ...
Tyler Sean Labine (born April 29, 1978) is a Canadian actor and comedian. He is best known for starring in the televi...
Brittney "Britt" Irvin was born on November 10th, 1984 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. She began dancing ballet when she ...