MORTAL KOMBAT: REBIRTH is a short film released by Kevin Tancharoen (Director) in 2010. It was originally made as a proof of concept for Tancharoen's pitch to Warner Brothers for a reboot movie franchise. This 8-minute short features an intricate fight scene choreographed by Larnell Stovall. It also reintroduces classic Mortal Kombat characters, including: Jax (Michael Jai White), Sonya Blade (Jeri Ryan), Johnny Cage (Matt Mullins), Scorpion (Ian Anthony Dale), Baraka (Lateef Crowder) and Shang Tsung (James Lew).
Lateef Crowder Dos Santos (born November 23, 1977) is a Brazilian-born American actor, stunt performer and Capoeira p...
Ian Anthony Dale (born July 3, 1978) is an American actor. Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, he attended school in Madis...
An American actor and professional martial artist who has appeared in numerous films and television series. He is the...
Jeri Lynn Ryan (born February 22, 1968) is an American actress best known for her roles as the liberated ("de-assimil...
Toby Leonard Moore (born 28 April 1981) is an Australian actor, best known for his roles as Victor in John Wick (2014...