Monster House

"Monster House" is a captivating television program that originally aired on the Discovery Channel, showcasing the remarkable transformation of a themed residence within an ambitious five-day period. The show engaged viewers with its innovative approach to home remodeling, blending creativity with practical design solutions. Each episode featured a distinct theme, allowing for unique aesthetics that brought a fresh perspective to interior design. One standout episode, "Zen House," aired in 2004 and received critical acclaim, earning a nomination for a Primetime Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Main Title Theme Music. This accolade was attributed to the show's enchanting opening song, composed by Dan Mackenzie, which set the tone for the captivating transformations that followed.

As the series progressed, it garnered a dedicated following, with viewers eagerly anticipating each new installment. Despite its popularity, in early 2006, Discovery Channel announced the cancellation of "Monster House," bringing an end to the show's run. The final episode, titled "Farewell House," aired in February of that year, providing a bittersweet conclusion to a series that had captured the imagination of many. Fans of the show appreciated the creative talents of the cast and crew, including Reverend Gadget and Steve Watson, whose contributions added depth and excitement to the remodeling process showcased in the series.

Even after its original airing, "Monster House" continued to find an audience through reruns, appearing on networks such as Spike TV as recently as 2012. The show's engaging format and the appeal of home renovation have allowed it to maintain a presence in popular culture, intriguing new generations of viewers. With its blend of entertainment and inspiration, "Monster House" remains a memorable part of home improvement television and continues to inspire those looking to infuse creativity into their living spaces.

Monster House ran for 4 seasons.

Full Cast of Monster House

Reverend Gadget

Steve Watson

Bruce Gray

Bruce Gray

Bruce Gray delivered a captivating performance in the television series "Monster House" as the enigmatic and wise caretaker, Tuberculosis. His portrayal brought a depth of character to the show, with his gravely voice and stern yet caring demeanor. Gray's Tuberculosis was the glue that held the Monster House together, serving as a mentor and guardian to the group of young friends who discovered the house's supernatural secrets. His interactions with the children were filled with a sense of warmth and dry wit, providing both comic relief and poignant life lessons. Gray's ability to convey profound wisdom through his character's eccentricities made Tuberculosis a fan favorite and a memorable figure in the series. His performance was a testament to his talent for bringing multifaceted characters to life, leaving a lasting impression on the audience with his nuanced acting and the palpable presence he brought to the screen.

Paige Hemmis

Mike Muir

as Himself (1 episode)

Crew of Monster House

Discover the backstage crew of Monster House →