"Monster House" was an Australian reality/comedy television series that premiered on February 12, 2008, on the Nine Network. The show was hosted by the charismatic Bernard Curry, who is known for his connections in the entertainment industry as the brother of actors Stephen and Andrew Curry. With a unique blend of reality show elements and comedic performances, "Monster House" aimed to entertain viewers by presenting a fictional narrative intertwined with genuine reactions from unsuspecting guests. The structure of the show relied on hidden cameras strategically placed around a house designed specifically for this purpose, ensuring that every moment was captured for the audience's enjoyment.
The central focus of the series was the Webb family, portrayed by a talented ensemble cast that included Rebel Wilson, Celia Ireland, Travis Cotton, Jody Kennedy, Julie Herbert, and Glenn Butcher. Their performances blended scripted comedy with spontaneous interactions, immersing viewers in the chaotic yet humorous world of the Webb family. This format created a sense of unpredictability, as guests unknowingly became part of the family's antics, leading to both hilarious and heartwarming moments. The show's premise centered around the everyday life of the Webb family and how they reacted to their surroundings, all while being filmed covertly, which posed its own set of challenges and comedic opportunities.
Despite its ambitious concept, "Monster House" struggled to find an audience, with only 793,000 viewers tuning in for its debut episode. Following its second episode, the show was pulled from the schedule, leading to its eventual cancellation the next day. However, Nine Network had already commissioned ten episodes, and after a brief hiatus, they decided to air these unaired episodes later in the year as counter-programming during the 2008 Summer Olympics. This decision aimed to retain viewer interest while showcasing the original content, although the series ultimately did not achieve the success that the network had hoped for.
Monster House ran for
1 season.
Full Cast of Monster House
Celia Ireland
as Karen Webb (2 episodes)
Celia Ireland delivered a compelling performance as Karen Webb in the Australian television series "Monster House," imbuing the character with a palpable sense of depth and complexity. As the matriarch of the Webb family, Ireland's portrayal of Karen is both commanding and nuanced, navigating the treacherous waters of domestic drama with a balance of strength and vulnerability. Her on-screen presence is magnetic, drawing viewers into the heart of the family's tumultuous dynamics, as she grapples with the challenges of raising her children in the shadow of her husband's dark past. Ireland's performance is a testament to her range as an actor, as she seamlessly transitions between moments of warmth and steeliness, often within the same scene, highlighting the character's multifaceted nature. Her interactions with the other characters are fraught with tension and raw emotion, which she handles with a deftness that elevates the narrative, making Karen Webb a memorable and pivotal figure in the series.
Julie Herbert
as Doris Webb (2 episodes)
Rebel Wilson
as Penelope Webb (2 episodes)
Rebel Wilson delivers a standout performance as Penelope Webb in the television series "Monster House," bringing her signature comedic flair and a surprising layer of depth to the role. As Penelope, Wilson captivates the audience with her impeccable timing and charismatic presence, infusing the character with a blend of quirky humor and heartfelt sincerity. Penelope's journey from a seemingly ordinary real estate agent to a key player in the eerie and mysterious narrative of "Monster House" is navigated with aplomb by Wilson, who deftly balances the character's transformation between the mundane and the macabre. Her portrayal not only elicits laughter but also anchors the show's darker themes with a sense of relatability, making Penelope an unforgettable highlight of the series. Rebel Wilson's performance is a testament to her versatility as an actress and her ability to engage viewers across a spectrum of emotions, ensuring that Penelope Webb is etched in the minds of audiences long after the credits roll.
Jody Kennedy
as Natalie Webb (2 episodes)
Bernard Curry
as Host (2 episodes)
Bernard Curry took on the role of Host in the Australian reality television series "Monster House," where his performance was characterized by an engaging and dynamic presence. With a balance of charm and authority, Curry guided homeowners through the transformative process of renovating their properties into remarkable short-term rental spaces. His ability to empathize with the participants' excitement and anxiety added a personal touch to the show, making the renovation journey relatable to viewers. Curry's clear communication skills and enthusiastic delivery of design tips and challenges kept the audience invested in each episode's outcome. His interactions with the design experts and contestants were both supportive and critically constructive, fostering a competitive yet collaborative atmosphere that became a hallmark of the series. Overall, Bernard Curry's hosting style was a key ingredient in the success of "Monster House," as he adeptly navigated the fast-paced environment of home renovation and entertainment.