Cast and Crew of Monroe

Cast of

About Monroe

  • Released on March 10, 2011
  • Drama

Monroe is a brilliant and unusual neurosurgeon. A flawed genius who never lets anyone forget his flaws or his genius. Each episode will feature one compelling story of the week about life or death situations. The drama will focus on the way in which a serious injury or disease cuts across the lives of everyone involved, from hospital staff to patients to relatives. And how that group become, in an intense few days, a reluctant dysfunctional family united by hopes, fears and grief. At the centre of this stands Monroe, his trainees, his anaesthetist and his poker school - and his female colleague, heart surgeon, Jenny Bremner, who has contempt for his cockiness. The series will tell heightened emotional stories and be shot through with dark humour and portray the pressures and pleasures of high-end surgery in a modern urban hospital.

Full Cast of Monroe

Andrew Gower
plays andrew mullery

Andrew Gower as andrew mullery

Andrew Gower was born on November 8, 1989 and is currently 34 years old.

See Andrew Gower's other roles

Phoebe Dynevor

Phoebe Dynevor

Phoebe Harriet Dynevor (born 17 April 1995) is an English actress. Dynevor is best known for her role as Daphne, the ...

See Phoebe Dynevor's other roles

Matthew Needham
plays David Foster

Matthew Needham as David Foster

Matthew Needham was born on April 13, 1984 and is currently 40 years old.

See Matthew Needham's other roles

Tom Riley

Tom Riley

Tom Riley (born 5 April 1981 in Maidstone, Kent) is an English film, television, and theatre actor. Tom was involved ...

See Tom Riley's other roles

Susan Lynch

Susan Lynch

Susan Lynch (born 5 June 1971) is an actor from Northern Ireland. Description above from the Wikipedia article Susan...

See Susan Lynch's other roles