< "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE" is a thrilling addition to the long-running Gundam franchise, released in 2011. The series is set in a futuristic Earth, where an interplanetary war has been raging for a century. The story revolves around three protagonists from the same family, each piloting their own version of the iconic mecha, the Gundam. The characters in this show are voiced by talented actors, including Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Flit Asuno and Takuya Eguchi as Asemu Asuno. The series was first announced in the July issue of Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic, with gaming company Level-5's President Akihiro Hino in charge of the story. "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE" premiered on the MBS and TBS broadcasting stations in Japan on October 9, 2011, and 49 episodes were broadcast, with the last episode airing on September 23, 2012. A compilation OVA titled "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden" will be released on July 26, 2013, focusing on the second protagonist of the series, Asemu Asuno. If you're a fan of science fiction anime and the Gundam franchise, you won't want to miss this exciting installment. Toshiyuki Toyonaga was born on April 28, 1984 and is currently 40 years old. Takuya Eguchi is a Japanese voice actor and singer from Setagaya, Tokyo. He is affiliated with 81 Produce. He has voi... Aya Endo is a Japanese voice actress and narrator from Yamagata Prefecture. At the 2nd Seiyu Awards, she won Best Sin... Kazuhiko Inoue was born on March 26, 1954 in Yokohama, Japan. He is an actor, known for Naruto: Shippûden (2007), Nar... Kohsuke Toriumi is a Japanese voice actor, he uses the aliases Burisuke Houdentei and Spoon Sakiware for adult content. Ayahi Takagaki is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She is a member of the J-pop idol unit Sphere. Daisuke Ono is a Japanese voice actor and singer who won the 4th and 9th Seiyu Awards for best lead actor for his rol... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Eiji Takemoto (竹本 英史, Takemoto Eiji, born March 7, 1973 in Yamaguchi Prefectur... Hiroki Touchi was born on May 26, 1966 and is currently 58 years old. Hiroshi Kamiya is a Japanese voice actor, singer and narrator affiliated with Aoni Production. He is best known for b... Kana Hanazawa is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with the Office Osawa talent agency. In 2012 she made her debut ... Mariya Ise is a Japanese actress, voice actress and narrator from Kanagawa. She is affiliated with Across Entertainme... Rina Sato (佐藤 利奈, Satō Rina) is a Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Haikyō. She won the Best Lead Actre... Ryuuzaburou Ootomo was born on May 18, 1952 and is currently 72 years old. Saori Hayami is a Japanese voice actress, singer and narrator. She is represented by the agency I'm Enterprise.] As a... Takuma Terashima (寺島 拓篤, Terashima Takuma) is a Japanese voice actor and singer born in Ishikawa, Japan. Terashima gr... Okamura Akemi, born on March 12, 1969, is a voice actress (seiyuu) and narrator from Tokyo, Japan, who works for Maus... Ami Koshimizu (小清水 亜美, Koshimizu Ami, February 15, 1986) is a Japanese singer, voice actress and stage actress affili...Full Cast of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Takuya Eguchi
Kazutomi Yamamoto
Ayumi Tsunematsu
Aya Endo
Kazuhiko Inoue
Kohsuke Toriumi
Ayahi Takagaki
Daisuke Ono
Eiji Takemoto
Hiroki Touchi
Hiroshi Kamiya
Kana Hanazawa
Mariya Ise
Minako Kotobuki
Rina Sato
Ryuuzaburou Ootomo
Saori Hayami
Takuma Terashima
Akemi Okamura
Ami Koshimizu
Crew of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE
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