Cast of
Mille Miglia

About Mille Miglia

In 1955 Stirling Moss and Denis Jenkinson won the Mille Miglia, one of the toughest races in the calendar.This play is about the two men, and the qualities and preparation that went into that victory.

Full Cast of Mille Miglia

Michael Bryant
plays Stirling Moss

Ronald Lacey
plays Denis Jenkinson

Ronald Lacey as Denis Jenkinson

Ronald Lacey (28 September 1935 – 15 May 1991) was an English actor. He made numerous television and film appearances...

See Ronald Lacey's other roles

Guy Deghy
plays Alfred Neubauer

George Roubicek
plays Hugo

George Roubicek was born on May 25, 1935 and is currently 89 years old.

See George Roubicek's other roles

Douglas Ditta
plays Waiter

Donald Burton
plays Priest

Crew of Mille Miglia

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