Cast of

About Medeas

  • Released on September 01, 2013
  • Drama

An intimate portrait of a rural family's inner lives and their relationship to a harsh and shifting landscape.

Full Cast of Medeas

Mary Mouser
plays Ruth

Mary Mouser as Ruth

Mary Mouser was born on May 9, 1996 and is currently 28 years old.

See Mary Mouser's other roles

Catalina Sandino Moreno
plays Christina

Catalina Sandino Moreno as Christina

Catalina Sandino Moreno (born April 19, 1981) is a Colombian actress. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best...

See Catalina Sandino Moreno's other roles

Maxim Knight
plays Jacob

Maxim Knight as Jacob

Maxim Knight is an American child actor who started acting at the age of eight.

See Maxim Knight's other roles