Cast of
Mario Bava: Operazione paura

About Mario Bava: Operazione paura

Mario Bava Operazione Paura", hosted by Joe Dante, is an hommage of the Master of the Terror, the italian director Mario Bava

Full Cast of Mario Bava: Operazione paura

Dario Argento
plays Self

Fabrizio Bava
plays Self

Fabrizio Bava was born on June 3, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.

See Fabrizio Bava's other roles

Mario Bava
plays Self

Lamberto Bava
plays Self

Tim Burton
plays Self

Tim Burton as Self

Timothy Walter Burton (born August 25, 1958) is an American filmmaker and animator. He is known for his gothic fantas...

See Tim Burton's other roles

Alberto Bevilacqua
plays Self

Roman Coppola
plays Self

Roman Coppola as Self

Roman François Coppola (April 22, 1965) is the son of Francis Ford Coppola and an American filmmaker, screenwriter, p...

See Roman Coppola's other roles

Roger Corman
plays Self

Joe Dante
plays Self

Joe Dante as Self

Joseph "Joe" Dante, Jr. is an American film director and producer of films generally with humorous and science fictio...

See Joe Dante's other roles

Callisto Cosulich
plays Self

Luigi Cozzi
plays Self

John Landis
plays Self

John Landis as Self

John Landis (born August 3, 1950) is an American film director, screenwriter, actor, and producer. He is known for hi...

See John Landis's other roles

Dino De Laurentiis
plays Self

Massimo De Rita
plays Self

Steve Della Casa
plays Self

Crew of Mario Bava: Operazione paura

Discover the backstage crew of Mario Bava: Operazione paura →