Cast and Crew of Marinette

Cast of

About Marinette

Based on the biography Ne jamais rien lâcher, the script traces the career of Marinette Pichon over three decades. Born in 1975, she was the pioneer of French women's football and one of the greatest stars of that sport in the world. A prodigy discovered at the age of five, she went on to become the first French player to make a career in the United States (men/women combined) and the record holder for the number of goals and selections for the French team (men/women combined). From her childhood, ravaged by an alcoholic and violent father, to the American dream (she was crowned best player and best scorer in the prestigious US league in 2002 and 2003 and "Most Valuable Player" in 2003), via her career with the French team, Marinette paints the portrait of a kid from a working-class background who was not destined for such an extraordinary career path...

Full Cast of Marinette

Garance Marillier
plays Marinette Pichon

Frankie Wallach
plays Françoise

Émilie Dequenne
plays La mère de Marinette

Fred Testot
plays Entraîneur de Brienne

Sylvie Testud
plays Régine Pierre, coach Saint-Memmie

Caroline Proust
plays Elisabeth Loisel, coach Equipe de France

Gore Abrams
plays Mark Krikorian

Tiffany Hofstetter
plays Marie

Anna Bullard
plays Heather Mitts

Romain Ogerau
plays Gilles , Gilles, le coach adjoint Equipe de France

Franck Andrieux
plays Jean-Claude

June Benard
plays Marinette Pichon enfant

Yamé Pertzing
plays Marinette Pichon adolescente

Louisa Chas
plays La soeur de Marinette (adulte)

Eloïse Bernazzi
plays La soeur de Marinette (adolescente)

Serge Dupire
plays Médecin village

Régis Romele
plays Le professeur d'anglais

Julia Chiche
plays Sophie la tenniswoman

Olivier Brabant
plays Président de la commission de discipline FFF

Candice Chauvin
plays Pia

Alicia Wolf
plays Caroline

Delphine Bernard
plays Ingrid

Yann Chermat
plays Médecin hôpital

Vincent do Cruzeiro
plays Surveillant collège

Crew of Marinette