Cast of

About March

  • Released on December 14, 2020
  • Drama

MARCH takes place in 2024, and follows an American woman in her mid-twenties, as she travels to Toronto, Canada to get a now-illegal abortion.

Full Cast of March

Victoria Maria
plays Taylor

Sean Jones
plays Doug

Austin Ball
plays Richard

Emily Dickinson
plays Rose

Angela Besharah
plays Angela

Angela Besharah as Angela

Angela Besharah is a Canadian director, photographer, actor and acting coach working in film, television and theatre.

See Angela Besharah's other roles

Tamara Almeida

Jeffrey Parazzo

Eric Hicks

Libby Osler
plays Libby

Novie Edwards
plays Dr. Martin

Stephanie Moore
plays June

Crew of March

Discover the backstage crew of March →