In the thrilling movie 'Lumberjack the Monster,' the main character, Akira Ninomiya, played by the talented Kazuya Kamenashi, faces an unimaginable tragedy when he becomes the victim of a vicious attack by a mysterious assailant wearing a monster mask. This brutal encounter leaves Akira with a deep desire for revenge, and he becomes obsessed with finding his attacker and making them pay for what they have done.
As the movie progresses, we are introduced to Arashiko Toshiro, played by the beautiful and talented Nanao. Arashiko is a skilled detective who becomes involved in the case when she is assigned to investigate the attack on Akira. Despite her initial skepticism about Akira's quest for revenge, Arashiko soon finds herself drawn into the mystery and becomes determined to help him find the person responsible.
Together, Akira and Arashiko embark on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth behind the monster mask. Along the way, they encounter a variety of obstacles and challenges, but their determination and courage never waver. As they get closer to the truth, they discover that the assailant is not just any ordinary person, but a powerful and dangerous monster who has been terrorizing the city for years. With the help of Arashiko's detective skills and Akira's fierce determination, they ultimately succeed in bringing the monster to justice and bringing peace to the city. 'Lumberjack the Monster' is a thrilling and action-packed movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.
Shota Sometani (染谷 将太 Sometani Shōta, born 3 September 1992) is a Japanese actor from Koto, Tokyo. He is known for hi...
See Shota Sometani's other roles →Shido Nakamura II (二代目 中村 獅童 Nidaime Nakamura Shidō), born as Mikihiro Ogawa (小川 幹弘 Ogawa Mikihiro), is a Japanese th...
See Shido Nakamura's other roles →