Cast and Crew of Love of My Life

Cast of
Love of My Life

About Love of My Life

  • Released on April 16, 2024
  • Drama

In the captivating drama "Love of My Life," a diverse and talented cast brings to life a poignant tale that transcends the boundaries of traditional romantic narratives. María José Camacho delivers a stunning performance as the young Mariana Azcárate, while Jair Romero's portrayal of the mature Joaquín Mosquera adds depth and complexity to the series. In addition, Joseph Stewart brings his unique talent to the screen, contributing to an unforgettable ensemble of actors.

Set against a backdrop of societal challenges, this enthralling saga intertwines romance with critical themes such as racial discrimination, weaving an intricate tapestry of interpersonal relationships. The series skillfully tackles the divisive issues plaguing our world, offering viewers an opportunity to reflect on the consequences of intolerance and the transformative power of empathy. By exploring these themes through the lens of love, "Love of My Life" offers a thought-provoking perspective on the human experience.

As the narrative unfolds, a rich and timeless story of power, betrayal, and vengeance emerges, taking viewers on an emotional journey that questions the depths of loyalty and the lengths to which one might go for love. As characters navigate the labyrinth of conflicts that shape their lives, their interconnected stories unfold, forming a legendary tale that viewers won't soon forget. This remarkable series, with its unforgettable cast and compelling storylines, offers more than just riveting entertainment – it serves as a powerful reminder of the transcendent force of love in the face of adversity.

Full Cast of Love of My Life

María José Camacho
plays Mariana Azcárate (Young) (60 episodes)

Jair Romero
plays Joaquín Mosquera (Adult), Joseph Stewart (60 episodes)

Sergio Herrera
plays Joe (60 episodes) , Joaquín Mosquera (Young) (60 episodes)

Carlos Manuel Vesga
plays Alfredo Azcárate (Adult) (60 episodes)

Ricardo Mejía
plays Rogelio Benítez (Young) (60 episodes)

Luis Gerónimo Abreu
plays Rogelio Benítez (Adult) (60 episodes)

Melanie Dell’Olmo
plays Sara Azcárate (60 episodes)

Jairo Camargo
plays Alfredo Azcárate (Old) (60 episodes)

Paula Castaño
plays Mariana Azcárate (Adult) (60 episodes)