Cast and Crew of Los 50

Los 50

In the captivating realm of "Los 50," a dynamic competition unfolds as fifty renowned television personalities are chosen by an enigmatic, masked figure known only as the Lion. This mysterious host oversees a unique contest that transcends traditional reality show formats. The selected stars, each known for their charisma and talent, find themselves living in an opulent mansion nestled within a picturesque exotic country. Here, they must navigate the complexities of coexistence while confronting the captivating yet intense challenges set before them.

Within this high-stakes environment, these participants are not only competing for the ultimate prize but also forging alliances and rivalries that add layers of intrigue to the game. As they face various challenges designed to test their physical prowess, mental acuity, and social dynamics, the tension rises and bonds are put to the test. The competitors must remain shrewd and strategic, knowing that each decision they make could be the difference between soaring to victory or facing elimination. This unpredictable nature of the game ensures that viewers are kept on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the unexpected twists and turns with every episode.

Among the notable cast are Leslie Gallardo and Sebastián Villalobos, who take on the role of Participante, representing the spirit of the competition through their diverse backgrounds and experiences. As the show progresses, audiences are drawn into the personal stories and growth of each contestant, as they strive to outlast their rivals while discovering intrinsic strengths they never knew they possessed. "Los 50" not only showcases thrilling competition but also serves as an exploration of camaraderie, ambition, and the true nature of celebrity under the pressure of constant scrutiny and challenges.

Full Cast of Los 50

Romina Marcos

as Panelista (47 episodes)

Eduardo Antonio

as Participante (47 episodes)

Eduardo Barquín

as Participante (47 episodes)