Adeu the Sonic, brash young pilot of the Ryu Knight Zephyr, is joined in his travels by Princess Paffy, Priest Izumi and Ninja Sarutobi. They encounter various people of the land, including other Ryus. On the way, Adeu seeks to test his Ryu against others and thereby grow in his abilities.
Hiro Yuuki (born as Teruhisa Tsuyusaki on February 13, 1965) is a Japanese voice actor. In June 2007, he changed the...
Jurota Kosugi is a Japanese voice actor. His deep voice is often used for rough and imposing characters.
Tomohiro Nishimura is a Japanese voice actor, actor, and singer-songwriter.
Ai Orikasa (born as Kikue Orikasa) is a Japanese former stage actress, now voice actress and singer. Since her debut ...
Ryotaro Okiayu was born on November 17, 1969 and is currently 55 years old.
Tadanobu Asano, born Tadanobu Sato (born November 27, 1973) is a Japanese actor. He is known for his roles as Dragon ...
Jun Kunimura (國村 隼 Kunimura Jun, born November 16, 1955 in Kumamoto, Japan) is a Japanese actor known for his role as...