Cast and Crew of Lonesome Dove Church

Cast of
Lonesome Dove Church

About Lonesome Dove Church

  • Released on August 04, 2014
  • Western

The true story of the formation of the Lonesome Dove Church in Texas.

Full Cast of Lonesome Dove Church

Tom Berenger
plays John Shepherd

Tom Berenger as John Shepherd

Tom Berenger is an American television and motion picture actor. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supp...

See Tom Berenger's other roles

Bruce Blain
plays Hillbilly

Mike Garthwaite
plays Jose Sanchez

Philip Granger
plays Pastor Simmons

Philip Granger as Pastor Simmons

Philip Granger: is the distinguished recipient of a Gemini Award and two Hollywood Drama-Logue Awards. He has garnere...

See Philip Granger's other roles

Greyston Holt
plays Isaac Shepherd

Greyston Holt as Isaac Shepherd

Greyston Holt was born on September 30, 1985 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is an actor, best suited for small supp...

See Greyston Holt's other roles

Alex Zahara
plays Butch Henley

Alex Zahara as Butch Henley

Alex Zahara is a Canadian actor and a voice actor. Alex was born in Northern Alberta, and, according to his mother, h...

See Alex Zahara's other roles

Andrea Whitburn
plays Angie

Nicole Oliver
plays Nancy Shepherd

Nicole Oliver as Nancy Shepherd

Nicole Lyn Oliver (born February 22, 1970) is a Canadian actress and singer. She is best known for her roles as Princ...

See Nicole Oliver's other roles

Geoff Gustafson
plays Dutch

Geoff Gustafson as Dutch

Geoff Gustafson was born on February 20, 1974 and is currently 50 years old.

See Geoff Gustafson's other roles

Serge Houde
plays Charles Stone

Serge Houde as Charles Stone

Serge Houde is an actor.

See Serge Houde's other roles

George Canyon
plays Gorgeous George

Patrick Sabongui
plays Matthew

Patrick Sabongui as Matthew

Patrick Sabongui was born on January 9, 1975 and is currently 49 years old.

See Patrick Sabongui's other roles

Noel Johansen
plays Accountant

Linden Banks
plays Aric

Quentin Schneider
plays Sticks

Chad Cosgrave
plays Stage Coach Driver

Chad Cosgrave as Stage Coach Driver

Canadian Chad Cosgrave works as stunt performer for film and television productions.

See Chad Cosgrave's other roles

Michael Roselli
plays Cyclops

Gerald Paetz
plays Henchman

Rick Pearce
plays Gunman

Lars Grant
plays Cattleman

Todd Scott
plays Cattleman

Crew of Lonesome Dove Church

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